Is it your dream to study abroad, but you were shocked when you found out how much it costs? Although there are various methods to make traveling more affordable–such as couch-surfing, personal cooking and budget cuts–there is no way to circumvent the fact that traveling costs money. Luckily, there are scholarships and grants available for students and professionals interested in studying abroad. These scholarships and grants can be private or government funded, and they are generally reserved for those in dire financial need.

If you happen to be a student seeking a learning experience that is more internationally flavored., the first place to look is Fulbright Grant and Scholarships. As the largest U.S. international exchange program and awarder of approximately 8,000 grants annually, the program offers students and professionals the opportunity to undertake teaching, studies and research worldwide. Awards are available in 140 countries and are for all fields of study.

Other well-known funding opportunities awarded by the U.S. Department of State. For instance, the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program provides $5,000 or $8,000 to undergraduates seeking study abroad or internships abroad. The U.S. Department of State also offers Critical Language Scholarships to support students aspiring to learn new languages. These scholarships are also conveniently available for students free during the summer months.

If you are enthusiastic about community activism and wish to spread ideas about social change outside our country’s borders, the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund is perfect for you. Determine your social change area of interest, share your passion with the Davis-Putter Fund and apply to create a lasting impact in your host country. Indeed, this scholarship would allow you to experience an abroad immersion that goes beyond simply being a tourist.

Furthermore, if you are a high school student feeling strapped for travel adventure cash, do not let the list of “undergrad only” scholarship brings you down. Instead, try Experiment in International Learning Scholarship, CIEE Program Scholarships or the Brandon Goodman Scholarship. The U.S. Department of State also has scholarships available for high school students studying abroad: Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange, National Language Security Initiative and the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange.

If you hope to find more scholarship opportunities that fit your needs, the internet is an excellent resource. With free scholarship search databases, such as Scholarship Portal, Mach25 Scholarship Search, FastWeb and IIE Passport, you can locate recent study abroad scholarship applications with the click of a button. The benefit of internet searching is its convenience: applications can quickly be filled out directly online. As a result, these scholarships have a larger applicant pool and can be more competitive. Do not be discouraged–the chance for free unlimited adventures, new friends and delicious cuisine are worth any application.

Studying abroad is a fabulous way to improve yourself and your career and quench your thirst for adventure. Socially, you will meet new people and become empathetic towards other cultures. Professionally, as globalization trends rise, companies value the importance of learning about how other cultures influence lives at home. With these scholarship opportunities, you can now change your life without destroying your wallet.