When you take a group of students to a new city, you will always want to show them everything that the destination has to offer for a special, fun, and unique experience. Unfortunately, often you will find this difficult because it can be hard to manage large groups in busy cities, plus it can also cost a fortune to go to the major attractions. With this in mind, it is helpful if you have a few fun and affordable options for a group visit to a new city and there are a few good options to look out for. Read on for a few suggestions.


Museums are always a good option for a student trip because they can be fun, educational, and fascinating, especially if it is on a topic that they already study. Additionally, many museums offer group learning experiences and guided tours, which can keep the group together and focused. A museum is often free or cheap to enter, so it is ideal if you are looking to keep costs down.


Most cities have large parks where people can go to escape the busy streets and they are ideal if you are looking for somewhere to take a large group of students. A park could be the perfect spot for a picnic and relaxing, and often there will be facilities there which will allow you to make the most out of your visit.

Fun Activities For Students In A New City -pexels-photo-196667

Escape Rooms

Escape rooms are a terrific option if you are looking for a fun group activity because they will encourage the students to work together and use their minds, so they are both fun and valuable. You will find these in most cities now, with many having high-tech, highly interactive, and thrilling games, such as the best escape room in Honolulu, which is a brilliant experience for a group of students.

Guided Tours

In most cities, you can get a guided tour, which is a superb way to see all of the major attractions, get your bearings and learn about the history and culture of a city. It is a good option for a group of students because it keeps you all together and the tour guides make these fun and interactive experiences; it also means that there is less for you to do!

 Taking a group of students to a new city will always be a valuable and special experience. It can be hard to know how to fill your time, however, particularly when it can cost a fortune to see the major sites and keep an entire group occupied. It will depend on your destination, but the above are all good options which should allow for a valuable trip for all.