When you’re fresh out of college getting your first job can be a huge milestone. It’s a significant turning point in your life, and you want to make the best impression as well as ensure you’re heading in the right direction. One wrong move in the first few months and you could live to regret it for many years to come. You’re already feeling a little nervous, unprepared and shy, so now’s the time to do something about it. There are things you can do to prepare yourself before you walk through the door on your first day.
Research the Company
You’ve already done a little bit of research before your interview, but now’s the time to go more in-depth as well as going back over what you learned before. Familiarize yourself with the company, the industry and what you’ll be doing. Make yourself aware of any risks you might have to deal with. Workplace injuries such as vibration white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome are just a couple of examples. Find a contact you can talk to if you need assistance in the future. www.the-compensation-experts.co.uk is a good site to visit if you want to know more.
Find Out What’s Expected of You
Get in touch with your line manager or boss before your first day to ask what’s expected of you when you start work. Find out whether you need to bring anything, whether there’s any preparation you need to do and what tasks you’re going to be doing in the first few weeks. It’s very likely you’ll have to undergo some form of training and be introduced to workplace safety issues.
Get Plenty of Rest
While it’s very tempting to want to go out and celebrate your new job, you’re better off getting a good night’s sleep and plenty of rest before your first day. You’re not going to make a good impression if you’re struggling to stay awake and pay attention.
Practice Your Small Talk
Even if you consider yourself quite a good conversationalist, the people you’re going to be talking to at work are a different kettle of fish to your college mates. And if you’re not a naturally chatty person you might need to get in some practice. There’s plenty of advice online if you want some ideas for things that will make you seem interested and interesting.
Rehearse Your Commute
First impressions count and being on time, even a little early for your first day on the job is important. Arriving early makes you look committed and reliable. It also gives you time to say your first hellos and introduce yourself before getting down to business. Try a few practice runs for your commute to work, so you know where you’re going and what the traffic is going to be like.
Enjoy Yourself
This is the most important tip for anyone starting a new job. There really should be nothing to panic about so relax and settle in. It’s fun being a newbie because for the first few weeks you’re allowed to make a few mistakes and keep asking questions.