2020 is expected to be a great year for travelers thanks to the number of regional and international events that will take place across the world. As s student, this will be one of the best times to travel to several destinations and meet new people and cultures.

With the number of new flight routes increasing every passing day, you’ll have lots of opportunities to see the marvels of the world at reduced prices.

If you have been wondering where you’ll go in 2020, we’ve compiled some of the best vacation spots that you are going to love. Remember, traveling makes you smarter. Keep reading.

1. Los Cabos, Mexico

One of the best places to visit for a beach holiday in 2020 is the stunning Los Cabos. Everyone loves this destination including George Clooney. If you’ve been looking forward to soak up the charm in Mexico City and get the opportunity to watch whales and a wide variety of fish, this is an ideal spot for you.

As a student, you’ll learn a lot from this destination than what the textbook or internet reports. There are also beachfront hotels such as the Cabo San Lucas which can be booked anytime.

2. Galway, Ireland

If you don’t know, Galway has been chosen as the destination for the European Capital of Culture in 2020. Galway should be on the destination list for next year when you go for your holidays.

With all the cultural events that depict the creativity and imagination of the Irish people, you cannot afford to miss out. Galway is popular for its beautiful scenery, exhibitions, music, and art to name a few. You’ll also find tons of hotels within the city which will accommodate you well.

3. Lebanon

Have you ever thought of visiting the Middle East? If the answer is yes, Lebanon is the ideal place to visit in 2020. According to holiday specialists, Lebanon has defied the expectations of travelers most of the time thanks to the beautiful mountains and water bodies in the region.

Most travelers expect to see a desert instead, they get to learn more about a country with a rich history and the best foods in the area. You should spend at least eight days in Lebanon to understand what it means to live in such a rich country. If you have homework and you don’t want to do it while travelling, we have a solution for you. While at this site you can pay for essay and have it done quickly and well. Don’t be in a rush and fail to explore Lebanon.

4. Tokyo, Japan

Japan is a country that doesn’t require an introduction due to its massive success. Japan is one of the best destination for most travelers across the world. It will be the host country for the Olympics in 2020.

If you have been thinking of climbing Mount Fiji or getting a ride in a bullet train, you should go to Japan. You’ll learn a lot about the Japanese culture and its history. Most importantly, you’ll discover why they succeed in most ventures.

5. Athens, Greece

Athens is one of the countries in Europe that is patiently waiting for its time to be in the limelight in the year 2020. Athens is popular for the Athenian river which is expected to be a leading destination next year as visitors come to explore its beaches. You can combine your beach visit and exploring Athens since they are twenty minutes away from each other by car.

Bonus Destination: India

If you love tigers and snakes, India is the ideal destination for you. You’ll have a variety of options when it comes to national parks, temples and beautiful scenery. Not to forget the rich Indian culture and how warm the people are


These are the best destinations for students who want to travel around the world in 2020. In most cases, people tend to overlook these destinations. However, this should not happen to you. Students don’t travel a lot due to lack of enough money.

This should not be an excuse to stop you from seeing the world. All you need to do is plan for your holiday early enough and start saving small amounts of money to make it a reality. Today, you can travel to the most distant places in the world on a budget easily.

Nothing can be compared to traveling to new destinations away from your home country. So, what are you waiting for? Cover the earth before it covers you!


Joshua Robinsone is a talented writer and proofreader. He enjoys sharing his inspiring thoughts on travel, success and health and fitness on his website regularly. During his free time, you’ll find him riding his horse or camping in the mountains.